- This is a leadtype module, You can add, manage and delete leadtype from this interface.
- You can see there are many different leadtypes.
- You can add the purchase new leadtype just, click on “Add” button on the top right corner.
- You can also manage your leadtype, click on “Manage” button.
- You can set your posting method, which is Ping-Post and Only Post.
- You can add or delete your Additional Fields, just click “Add More” or “Remove” button.
- Listing checkbox means, if you tick this checkbox then this field shows in lead listing.
- Filter checkbox means, if you tick this checkbox then this assign for filter of buyer setup integration.
- There are two types of Required checkbox, which is Ping Required and Post Required.
- If you tick ping required checkbox then, when you ping to system then this field is required.
- If you tick post required checkbox then, when you post to the system, then this field is required.
- All the fields are displayed in leadtype postingspecs.